WESTWORLD Augmented Reality

TEAM: PATIO Interactive
MY ROLE: Project Lead

In 2018, Westworld was one of HBO’s flagship shows. It takes place in the a dystopian future where guests can visit a giant western themed park where they pretend to live like cowboys and interact with life-like robots. There are no laws in Westworld and this attracts wealthy people who want to become someone else while in the park.

One of the core themes of the show was about characters finding out who they truly were (or who they wanted to be) when entering the park. In the show, guests arrive in the park and are greeted by a host.

We designed and developed an augmented reality app to promote the second season of the show.

Taking inspiration from popular online quizzes, the app featured a hologram host (starring the lovely and talented Anna Douglas).

Check out the play-through

Guests were asked a series of questions and then would be able get a character from the show that best aligned with the answers

The AR marker for the app was the Westworld Logo. As part of the promotion, fans were given swag with the logo on it which was then used to activate the hologram.


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